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Craig Perez

from tidelands [latde/latte]

este na mangaige
here continues

thank you for coming to tonight’s screening
of the documentary The Insular Empire—
                I want to begin my talk with a quote
from chapter one verse three of the Book
         of Revelation :

‘Blessed are those who Read

Aloud the Words of the Prophecy
         and Blessed are those who Hear
and who Keep
what is Written for the Time
            is at Hand’—

                                                                        i tataotao let us           
                                                                        [early prelatte phase :
                                                                        prior to 1485 bc—500 bc]
                                                                        remember nihi ta onra—

‘Revelation’ from ‘Apokalypsis’ :
         to Uncover or Manifest

ta katga
we carry

         The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
requires federal agencies to examine the environmental impacts of their proposed actions—                   
         So the Department of the Navy prepared
the Draft Environmental Impact Statement [DEIS]
         to assess the potential impacts associated with the military buildup on Guam

gi ya hita pa'go
with us now and
yet to come—Unleashed

last November
the DEIS is a nine-volume 11,000-page Document

Their Map

and We See
the True Meaning of

‘latde’/‘latte’ :
stone pillars :

tasa : capstone
from hemispherical
coral heads

haligi : 
column : from
coral limestone

ta katga—For too long


we’ve embraced the US Military as our Liberators our Savior our Holy Father
What we’ve been shown through the DEIS is that the Military is a Devil

                                 in uniform
tempting us with false promises of wealth and prosperity—The Devil
is also in the Details    

set deep
in the ground
[intermediate prelatte phase : 500 bc—1 ad]
with buried

According to the DEIS
              the height of the buildup will bring more than 80,000 new residents to Guam :
8,600 Marines, 9,000 dependents, 7,000 transient Navy personnel, 600-1,000 Army personnel, and 20,000 foreign workers

              causing a twenty-year population growth over the next five years—


—like the Invasive Brown Tree Snakes


built upon
parallel rows of latde :
foundations :


created space
to cook to work to
bury the dead
ta katga


for flood waters—The Invasive Human Species of the US Military will only lead to further environmental and cultural devastation


built stored repaired
sometimes buried beneath
home within

navigation taught
within latde [transitional
prelatte : 1 ad—1000 ad]


—According to the DEIS
the military will take at least 2,300 more acres of land

              The limestone forest that stretches from Marbo Caves to Pagat Caves will be used
as a Firing Range Complex

The area around Mount Lamlam
where thousands of island residents pilgrimage every year on Good Friday
will also be used as a Firing Range 

along coast
axis of latde
parallel to ocean
ta katga



—Construction of permanent
          military facilities and infrastructure will desecrate
ancient burial sites eliminate

          hundreds of acres of jungle and medicinal plants deny
access to sacred sites and fishing grounds will decimate

          the endangered Ifit trees used for timber and crafts and remove
Dukduk trees used by Canoe Builders  


in Senator Angel
Santos park
eight latte stones di-
splayed :


—Four- and two- lane roads in the north will be widened
to six- and seven-lane highways removing

          jungle for road work and to house
many of the 80,000 new people—
    ta katga : we carry

—A camp for tens of thousands of Laborers will replace another hundred acres of jungle
more will be razed

          to make way for luxury military homes—              

ta katga
[larger latte period :
1000 ad—1521 ad]


from original

—According to the DEIS
       the construction of a deep-draft wharf in Apra Harbor for the passage of
nuclear-powered aircraft carriers—which will bring

       5,600 additional people while ported 63 days a year—will rip
2.3 million square feet

       of living
coral reef from—


—berthing area—
ta katga—

damselfish clownfish butterfly fish—all attached
       to their territory in Apra Harbor—will die—
so will the 6-foot blue elephant ear sponges that brighten the coral—

       scalloped hammerhead sharks

give birth     
in the carriers

green sea turtle hawksbill sea turtle spinner dolphins—
all protected by federal law—will be killed


after : death :
[early historic period :
1521 ad—1700 ad]

show village the
body speak

to the body bury
the body unearth the body keep
bones in baskets in rafters in
the home : praise :

—According to the DEIS
total amount of hazardous waste produced by the increased military presence
       will equal eight tons per year—
Add that to the eighty contaminated military dumpsites that still exist

       on Guam and there is no doubt the abnormally high cancer rates
among Chamorros will continue


i taotaomo’na dwell
within latde we
dwell within latte ta
katga the latde